Sunday, November 16, 2008


I can't believe I forgot to include our most recent development with baby Josh...
as of yesterday we have had 6 nights of sleeping from 10pm until 5am. Yahoo!!!
That's all...when you have a baby it really is the little things that are the biggest deal. xoxo


Josh is 10 weeks old today and I just can't believe how much he is changing. He gets more beautiful and lovable every day. My last update included lots of information about our struggles with GIRD (gastro-intestinal reflux disease) and I am happy to report that we currently have the reflux under control and have now officially transitioned into colic...a concept my mother finds entertaining since she swears GIRD and colic are essential the same problem. Other than the occasional scream fest our sweet baby boy is happy, healthy, and growing. At his two month check up last week he weighed in at a 11lbs. 7oz. 22inches. Right on target for where he should be...hooray!!!
Among my favorite changes in my little Joshua is his new found ability to smile and "talk". He has always been a lovely 'singer', but Chris and I much prefer his pleasant chatter and baby conversations.
Josh loves to move. We affectionately call him our mover and shaker. He loves to walk, bounce, sway, swing, rock, and roll. Anything but sit still. It has gotten so bad that even when I am not holding Josh I find myself swaying, bouncing, and the like...I guess Johnson's had it right, having a baby changes everything! The good news is that Josh has kept all of us on our feet and moving, and as such has contributed to more exercise throughout the day.
Back to the updates.
Halloween-Chris and I carved pumpkins for baby Josh-mine looked like a baby with baby hair and a signature baby tooth and Chris' just looked cute with cut out shapes for a traditional jack-o-lantern look. Odie went as a hotdog with mustard and relish (thank you Granddad Lowry) and Josh dressed up as a reigndeer. He will be wearing his reigndeer outfit for Christmas as well--yay for double use!
Christmas-has come to the Sinnokrak household. Now I realise that we are still at least 6 weeks out from the holidays, but I was so excited for Josh's first Christmas that I just couldn't contain myself. Josh even has his own baby blue decorated mini tree--he loves it! We have figured out Josh will stop crying for Oldies (thank you Grandpa Sinnokrak) and Christmas music-a true Christmas lover already. Poor Chris, he just smiles and lets me be excited. What a good man I married.
Other than outgrowing our newborn outfits life continues to be pretty predictable and quiet (minus our colic episodes). Our next big adventure is days with Nanny Lowry and an upcoming visit with Uncle Nick Sinnokrak.